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The Vermont Debate and Forensics League (VDFL) was organized over forty years ago to stimulate an interest in and expand knowledge of the opportunities available to high school students in public speaking; to encourage interscholastic debate and individual speaking contests; and to promote the civic virtues of public discourse.

In pursuing these objectives, the VDFL holds workshops, school sponsored competitions, and state tournaments in Public Forum Debate and Forensics. 


Membership in the VDFL is by school and required for participation in the scheduled tournaments. Sixteen Vermont high schools are members, giving their students the opportunity to participate in debate tournaments and to engage in a variety of public speaking events (forensics) which are instructive and challenging. Normally, eight such tournaments are organized from October through January.


The VDFL is governed by the advisors and coaches of the debate and forensics programs, as well as the bylaws and policies of the Vermont Principals’ Association. Recognized by the National Speech & Debate AssociationNational Catholic Forensic League, and Vermont Principals' Association; VDFL membership is open to all Vermont high schools and youth organizations. Participating schools can affiliate with the National Forensics League. VDFL activities are also supported by the Vermont Bar Association, the Vermont-NEA, and the Vermont State Department of Education.

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© 2020 by Vermont Debate and Forensics League

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