Team results:
1) Burr and Burton Academy - Ellis Glaser and Ellery Stahler
2) Montpelier High School - Violet Tabacco and Basil Humke
3) Colchester High School - Maddy Laquerre and Preslie Beuschel
First Novice team: Colchester High School - Prinsha Neupane and Emma McDonald
Individual Speaker results:
1) Preslie Beuschel
2) Ellis Glaser
3) Tullia Mamenga
Dramatic Duo
1st - Noonen-Wehmeyer/Begoyvic - South Burlington High School
2nd - Clark /Daigneault - Colchester High School
Performance Poetry
1st - Ann Wong - South Burlington High School
2nd - Peyton Coel - South Burlington High School
1st - Nicolas Desranleau - South Burlington High School
2nd - Harry Quick - South Burlington High School
1st - Anny Lin
(T) 2nd - Isabella DeCandio - Rutland High School
2nd - Chelsea Mendez - Rutland High School
Extemporaneous Speaking
1st - Mitch Gadapee - Colchester High School
2nd - John Cotter - Rutland High School
Original Oratory
1st - Amelia Charbonneau - South Burlington High School
2nd - Nisha Shah - South Burlington High School
Impromptu speaking
1st - Emma Eggbert - Burr and Burton Academy
2nd - Casey Coughlin - Rutland High School
3rd - Lance Shaffer - Rutland High School
4th - Trevor Mackay - Rutland High School
Radio Announcing
1st - Max Duffy - South Burlington School
2nd - Logan Mock - Colchester High School
Team Awards
1st - South Burlington High School
2nd - Rutland High School
Hosting Coach: Marijke Russo